Monday, October 28, 2019

Lachmi Denfer for Dance with the Devil - Sabato 16 Novembre @ Trenta Formiche Roma

Here a little introduction from mr Lachmi Denfer,  our guest for next Dance with the Devil at Trenta Formiche on Saturday 16th November in Rome!

I'm Lachmi, i collect popcorn oldies ( r&b, soul, jazz, latin, ska...) for over 35 years.
I like this style of music that i discovered in belgium clubs like the popcorn, the champoo, the versailles..., during early 80's.
I usually organised and played popcorn music in north france and belgium.
Right now i'm playng popcorn music with my friend and collector Boualem every month at the babylone cabaret at mouscron in belgium.
Every monthly "popcorn venue" is a great succes.
This kind of music is still very popular in belgium and north of france.

Here my top 5 tunes
Anita Tucker - I need love
Nicky Robbins - A little love
Fran Wald Four - coming home baby
The Unforgettable Ink Spots - Mark my world
Linda Griner - Good by cruel world

Facebook event >> HERE <<

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sabato 16 Novembre - Dance with the Devil Popcorn Special @ Trenta Formiche - Special Guest dj Lachmi Denfer (Belgium)

Secondo appuntamento della stagione 2019/20 con il Dance with the Devil al Trenta Formiche Roma!

Con noi dietro la console a far baldoria avremo un meastro della musica soul, RnB, rocksteady e popcorn come Lachmi Denfer!
Si preannuncia una serata assolutamente devastante!!

Facebook Event >> HERE <<

Dance with the devil resident djs:
Alfredo DjArnold Maddaloni /  Donato Zarrilli / Francesco Ardolino / Francesco Macri / Luigi Slim Fiore

ingresso riservato ai soci arci
Trenta Formiche
via del Mandrione 3 - roma
richiesta adesione al circolo on line: