Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Neale Dewey for Dance with the Devil - Sabato 18 Gennaio @ Trenta Formiche Roma

Here a little introduction from Neale Dewey, our very special guest for next Dance with the Devil at Trenta Formiche on Saturday 18th January in Rome! 

Really looking forward to playing at Dance With The Devil, this club has got a fantastic reputation.

I come from Stoke-on-Trent that is well known for its Northern Soul scene. Over the years I've been lucky enough to have been exposed to some fantastic clubs & Dj's.  So I draw my records from a diverse spectrum and will be playing a heady mix of Jamaican, R&B and Blues.

Recently played in Bruges, Brighton, Limerick and Galway as well as other great UK clubs. And there's my involvement in the Federal Weekenders and the Pow Wow do's at The Lymedale.

Let's have a great night in Rome.

Here's a few.
Byron Lee - I won't let you go
Jackie Mittoo - Killer Diller 
Doctor Ross - Cat Squirrel
Tommy Lewis - Willow Brook
Little Jimmy Ray - You Need to fall in love

Event info >> HERE <<

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sabato 18 Gennaio - Dance with the Devil - Live on stage The Spyrals - Special Guest dj Neale Dewey @ Trenta Formiche

Un inizio di nuovo anno con botto!!

Sabato 18 Gennaio, live sul palco del nostro bunker dell'amore preferito, direttamente da San Francisco, avremo il piacere di ospitare degli alfieri del suono garage psych che vanno sotto il nome di The Spyrals!
A seguire, ospite con noi alla console, Neale Dewey, una vera e propria macchina da guerra del sound RnB Rocksteady e Ska!

Vi aspettiamo!!!
Dance with the devil resident djs:
Alfredo DjArnold Maddaloni /  Donato Zarrilli / Francesco Ardolino / Francesco Macri / Luigi Slim Fiore

Facebook event >> HERE <<

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Trenta Formiche
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